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Development Portfolio

Hi, I'm a Full-Stack Software Development Engineer, Architect, IT Team Leader, DevOps, Programming Tutor, and Best Practice Enforcer. The following principles I embrace are KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid), YAGNI (You Aren't Gonna Need It), Component-Based Development (CBD), and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). I have a passion for creating and enhancing anything technology related. My motivation in development is to help end-users achieve their objectives and to empower them to excel.


I have extensive experience in many fields of technology, but the work I am most passionate about are related to developing full-stack web applications, creating mobile apps, designing user experiences, IT release management, and managing various teams. The CMS (Content Management System) is another field of technology I have many years of experience. The popular CMS I work with mostly are WordPress, Drupal, Umbraco, and Sitecore. My specialization in CMS development is migrating content from old systems, integrating services (eg Analytics, Coveo, Lucene, Solr), and architecting multiple sites. IT Infrastructure is another specialty that I lead as DevOps establishing strategies from source control branching to release management, creating environments (DEV, QA, STAGE, PROD) to be deployed sequentially, and automating the process of software delivery (aka Continuous Delivery).


I'm looking to join a great team where I can work on a variety of projects, be a team leader and collaborate with members, and continue to expand my knowledge and hone my skills.

I believe in "Jack of All Trades, Master of Many" is possible because of the fundamentals are similar between technologies. The following tools and skills I acquired during my professional career as a full-stack developer.

Front-End Web Development Tools & Skills

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, XML
  • Responsive Web Design (RWD), Canvas, WebSocket, and DOM (Document Object Model)
  • jQuery, AngularJS, Bootstrap, YUI, Ext JS, Microsoft Ajax Library
  • Google Chrome DevTools (Debug Client-Side and Network)
  • Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator

.NET Development Tools & Skills

  • C#, Visual Basic (VB)
  • MVC, Web API, Web Forms, ASMX, WCF aka SVC, Class Library, Console
  • Sitecore, Umbraco, Sitefinity
  • Stored Procedure, ADO.NET (DataSet and DataTable), Entity Framework, NHibernate ORM
  • Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL)
  • PowerShell, MSBuild, TFS (Team Founderation Server)
  • Microsoft Visual Studio
  • Microsoft IIS

Java Development Tools & Skills

  • Java EE (Servlet and JSP), Swing GUI, Console
  • JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) and JPA (Java Persistence API)
  • MySQL and SQLite with SQLiteStudio
  • Maven
  • Eclipse IDE and Netbeans
  • Apache Tomcat

PHP Development Tools & Skills

  • WordPress and Drupal
  • MySQL with phpMyAdmin and SQLite
  • Eclipse IDE PDT (PHP Development Tools)
  • Linux Apache HTTP Server and Microsoft IIS 7+

General Development Tools & Skills

  • Repository Pattern for DAL (Data Access Layer)
  • Git, SVN (Subversion and TortoiseSVN), Microsoft Visual SourceSafe (VSS), CVS
  • Notepad++, Sublime Text, Beyond Compare
  • Doxygen (Source Code Documentation Generator)
  • WebService Studio and Wizdler (Debug SOAP)
  • Postman (Debug REST)


If you have a job available or simply interested in finding out more, then get in touch and let's get things moving. Please feel free to contact me using the list below.

More About Me And This Website

I'm a minimalist, always pushing for efficiency and reducing technical debt. I read a lot of technology and science news. During my spare time, I enjoy researching and prototyping experimental technologies around the corner. When I'm not in front of a computer screen, I'm probably practicing guitar, playing tennis, latin dancing, or traveling.

This responsive website has been designed, developed, and maintained by William Chang. It is purpose-built to be a single webpage using one file with minimal dependencies, hand-coded in pure vanilla HTML/CSS/JavaScript, and optimized for fast page load.